Dokkudikku is a platform game where we change reality to beat the levels. 

Dikku was tasked with cleaning up the museum of the universe this millennium, but they inadvertently knocked over the sphere of possibilities, mixing the two sides of realities. Now they must get the sphere back to the museum before reality breaks! 

Dokkudikku es un juego de plataformas en donde cambiamos de realidad para superar los niveles. Le encargaron a Dikku limpiar el museo del universo este milenio, pero sin querer tiró la esfera de las posibilidades, mezclando las dos caras de las realidades. Ahora debe de llevar de vuelta la esfera al museo antes de que la realidad se quebrante!

Game by "Tibulowres" team :)

Berne Malla - programmer, game designer , level designer.

Mer Grazzini - artist, game designer, level designer.

Oukkurun - artist, music composer, sound designer.

Listen the soundtrack


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ahhh I was zoomed in too far. ahhhh I see... Good game btw :)